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Winter ABC Day 7: My Life is App-solutely Perfect

We deserve a life simple enough to tackle the complex.

And life is complex!

My mobile phone is a moving office. I'm always caught in between sending emails, creating content, messaging and blogging. If I could divide the workspace on my phone, there would be three specific categories. Inspiration, work and mental canvas. Confused? Let me break it down even more.

Inspiration includes applications that set and pace my mood to be creative. These would include audio and video apps as well as games. Work is! These apps include social media networks because I need to distribute content from websites. And finally the mental canvas which is the space where I jot down ideas. That means all the apps that functions as notepads.

It's bring and share your five favourite apps. I didn't need to think much because my life would totally sucks without these five below.

1. OneNote

As a writer and content creator there is a constant need to take down notes. I love putting my thoughts and ideas down as well as organise them. OneNote is functional because I can work from any device for as long as my content is backed up.

2. Canva

Don't have designing skills yet hold an eye for the aesthetic? Or maybe you want to design on the go but you don't have your laptop with you. Canva is the cheat sheet to amazing social media posts. The app offers a range of designs for various social media platforms. You can create cool images within minutes, depending on your speed to design. I would absolutely get rid of other apps to make space for Canva.

3. WordPress

This one is very obvious parce que I'm a blogger. Strangely I haven't moved my personal blog to WP however for most of my blogging work, this is the application that saves my life and time.

4. Podcasts

In as much as I love talking a lot, I enjoy listening to others even more. The podcast app functions as my inspiration, work and mental canvas. For the last part, I get ideas from the talking points in various episodes.

5. Deezer

I love my music. It's so therapeutic and inspiring. Some of you may know of the story of king Saul in the Bible.  He is the king who disobeyed God to the point that the announcing left him. An evil, tormenting spirit came upon him that needed music to soothe his mood. Anyway the point is that this app helps get me in the right mood. It has a collection of most of my favourite music from around the world. A girl's got to get her inspiration right?

What would my life be without the 'big five'? Okay, I guess but why live without these apps? I function highly well and would recommend the first three for content creators. When you can simplify your life, you can enjoy creating and sharing.

App-solute perfection is what we need to make the world go round.

P.S. Always write your own love story!


Lady E


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