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Winter ABC Day 3: Three Things I Would Do for Free

Love for Free

Woohoo! It's day three of the winter blogging challenge. After sharing my dream life, I just wanted to lay down on my pillow and dream some more.

'Money can't buy happiness', some say. Comedian Dave Chapelle shared with Oprah that money can afford you choices. We all love choices! But there's a saying that goes, 'the best things in life are for free'. We could go into a long, never ending discussion about that quote.

What if we didn't get paid for anything? If we used a different currency to get by. Looking at my rate card, clearly there's nothing that I do for free. Even from my passions and talent, I need my bread.

Today's topic within itself questions the writer about what I would do for free.

1. Sleep

My bed and I have the best relationship in the world. I really don't need a start button for sleeping. I would definitely sleep for free. It's great for my mind , body and soul.

2. Vacation

Think Vilanculos, or Bali, or St. Lucia. Or maybe Greece or Turkey. Imagine taking a holiday to an exotic destination. I love the sea and beach. Just give me a plane ticket and accommodation reservations and I'm good to go. So yes, if I wasn't paid for it, I would still so go on vacation.

3. Read

I love reading more than writing. I write a lot though! "There is no friend as loyal as a book,” Enerst Hemingway. There's so much to be discovered in books. Epiphany comes when you read in between the lines. Authors have a way of allowing the reader to scrutinize different subjects. If you are into self help books, you cut out expenses on seeing a therapist. I don't need to get paid to read books.

Truly the best things in life are for free. It's all up to you what you consider the best. Sleep, going on holiday and reading books are everything to me. They are my top three self-care must-haves.

It's love for free!

P.S. Always write your own love story!


Lady E


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