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Winter ABC Day 24: Every Human Right, Is Right!

Every Human Right, Is Right!

Mankind has developed over the last century yet the issue of human rights remains a sore subject. The fact that #blacklivesmatter, #MeToo or #lovewins rose in this last decade,  is proof that not all human beings have attained equal human rights.

Equal rights means that every human being is entitled to security, education, and comfortable living standards without discrimination. Access to clean water, food, shelter and protection by the law are fundamental rights. So why is it in 2019, we are still tackling issues of racism and gay rights?

Several factors fall into place, mostly the issues of governance in different parts of the world. Prejudices fuelled by traditions and religion play a part in perpetuating racism and homophobia.

I concur with Trevor Noah, who stated that for as long as there are racists, racism doesn't end. Racism is a mental state that is generational. The cycle can only end if a generation chooses to change their prejudices and complexes.

I remember my own experience with racism. I was only seven years old.

The experience did not scar me, but opened my eyes. I'm 'woke' due to that experience. Children's honesty is to a fault, a virtue that can become cruel. Children are a reflection of their parents and what they are taught. If a child is taught that black people are ugly, dirty and stupid, guess what, they will project that. Being the only black girl in my class became a nightmare when the other kids didn't want to be a centimetre, close to me. I remember one girl, saying that the class doesn't like me because I am dirty, and I shouldn't come near them. Yes, that happened to me, but I guess returning to Africa soothed that pain.

In my adulthood, I have watched Caucasians belittle black people in often subtle ways. In one  conversation with an older, white woman, she asked me why I knew so much about the 'world'. I explained that I travelled a lot because my father was a diplomat. Her response, "Oh, so you are one of the exposed ones." Wow!

Racism is a virus! It's treatment will take a long time to undo. As a black, African woman, my role is to safeguard my blackness. I can only teach my children the wisdom of black empowerment. When I do get married, I can only reassure my black 'king' that he is enough in a world system that tries to destroy him. I can only educate my non-black associates,  and perhaps friends, about their privileges, cultural appropriation and how to be an ally to the plight of the black person, or people of colour.

And no, black people can never be racist!

In terms of gay rights, let me quote my gay friend. "If you have so much time to be analysing who is sleeping with who, or who they love, then honey, you don't have a life. Get one!"

Prejudices and systems of oppression such as racism and homophobia can be dealt with through education. Yes, instead of teaching generations about square roots, or correct grammar, teach children acceptance and diversity. There is hope for the next generation if respect of other cultures is taught to prevent appropriation. We need to step out of our fears and ignorance and choose tolerance.

I don't believe in the superiority complex of any race, gender, sexual orientation or even position. If you require a blood transfusion and the colour of that blood is red, then you are a human being.

Every human right, is right!

P.S. Always write your own love story!


Lady E


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