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5 Inexpensive Dates in a Bad Economy

If he's making the economy an excuse, swipe left....

A guy who makes too many excuses whilst pursuing you is not worth your time. He will make excuses for not making time for you. More so, for not taking you on a date. A real man makes a plan...all the time!

Yes, the economy is atrocious...a complete nightmare! Does that mean that humanity stops? Y'all,  we have procreation to continue until the end of time. A season of a recession, shouldn't hinder dates, relationships and the whole nine yards that come with that package. Couples over centuries overcame obstacles such as family feuds, classism, racism, tribalism, religious differences etc. They all found a way around those challenges.

Any guy who uses 'in this economy' as an excuse is dropped like a pin. Honestly, such an individual lacks ambition and creativity. I want the flowers, chocolate, and the date. Otherwise...skrrr! You will have to show innovation in your pursuit. If you can't be strategic when you are single, what more when you are married with children? I worry!

So boys, listen very carefully, I shall say this only once. I am here to give you tips to have incredible dates on a low budget. What  makes a great date, is the chemistry between you and your date. However, the little efforts go a long way. Every woman wants a man who 'tries', not one who makes excuses.

Want to learn how to turn economic lemons into sweet date lemonade? Check out the five inexpensive dates in a bad economy below.

1. Petrol queue

Look, if she wants to ride with you, she better ride with you. Most petrol queues are often long and tedious. Pick her up, grab some food and snacks, and chill in the queue. While you wait for your turn to fill up the tank, you can have conversations or carpool. This is where we put the 'ride or die' theory to the test. "Babe, would you ride with me to the petrol station?" She responds, "Oh yes! And then you will take me home, " She smiles.

The date: Picking her up for the date

2. Dinner at your place

For the love of adulting please have a place of your own, abeg! You can't afford QOH, or one of those uptown restaurants, then invite her over for a meal. It's not Netflix and chill. It's a real date. You put effort to clean up your place, borrow your mother's linen and get your sister's dinner set. For afternoons, have a picnic set up. For dinner, because of load shedding, dinner by candlelight.  Whip up something by the gas stove, serve the meal on clean China and add that Mazowe that you agonised to buy. Believe me, you will have stories to tell your grandchildren. Please, no hanky panky!

The date: Lunch/dinner date

3. Take a walk around the neighbourhood

We don't have the beach, we only have a park or two, so how do you spend time together? Call her and take a walk around the neighbourhood. If you live in the plush surburbs, you will have great scenery. You can share your ambitions of building beautiful houses and planting orchards as you admire neighbours homes. You can also pick a flower for her during that walk. Just make sure the gardener doesn't catch you.  Your walk is beneficial to your health too, so it's a win!

The date: Spending time together

4. Visit the art gallery/museum

Do something out of your comfort zone. Get some culture into your date. Dress up and visit the art gallery. You might be clueless about art, but you can pretend to be bad and bourgie whilst looking at art. Alternatively there is the museum. You can goof around the artefacts, just don't break anything.

The date: Going somewhere interesting

5. Movie night

The cost to watch the Lion King at the cinema, will break more than just your mobile money,  but your heart.  Erm, we don't have defibrillators in the health sector. Plan a movie night with friends and theme it, 'Midnight starring.' When the power comes one, pop some popcorn, pour diluted juice for everyone, and don't switch the lights on. Y'all can enjoy your torrent download version of the movie in the comfort of your home made cinema.

The date: Movie

Whatever you do, let it show that you have put a lot of thought into it. Please do not use the terms, "I don't have money", "This is all that I could afford", or "I wish that I could...". Focus on stating the need to spend time together and getting to know each other. If you are in a relationship, then suggest that you wanted to do something nice for your partner.

Ladies after going through a few of these ideas, and he still makes excuses, swerve. Gentlemen, I hand you the baton to prove yourselves worthy of some other man's daughter. Yes, our daddies are watching, so step up!

The thought counts, the effort impresses and the right intention wins a woman's heart.

P.S. Always write your own love story!


Lady E


  1. Yessss please!!! Tell them all!!! I hope every guy perusing me reads this yooo!!!

    1. Share it on your status. Always remember that you deserve to be treated like a queen in any situation.

  2. Thank you for this , these guys are using the economy as an excuse and its ridiculous

    1. As women we need to stand up for ourselves and maintain standards of how we want to be treated.


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