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Birthday Special: It's More than Just a Day

To be honest, I don't like my birthday.

Black woman sitting down

I often fall under the pressure to have the best birthday. I need billions of birthday wishes. I want flowers and confectionery. I need an event: brunch, party or getaway to commemorate such an auspicious occasion. Sadly, that's not my narrative. During my school days, my birthday fell during mid year exam time. As an adult, they have often forgotten my birthday.

I remember that last year; I felt very unappreciated. Many people especially my best friend forgot my birthday. I was hurt and miserable. My sisters and friends consoled me by taking me out for lunch by the lake. It was thoughtful of them.

This year I had planned to have a weekend away by the Mozambican beaches. I would invite a few of my newly gained 'friends' and have a girl's getaway. I wanted sun, bikinis, and cocktails. Because of the cyclone, that plan washed away. Alternatively there was Inyanga, mainly because I have never been there...ever! Or we travel down south to Matopos.  All I wanted was a getaway, to breathe. But finances wavered because of the current economic climate.

I am sun basking, whilst writing this blog as the generators play in the background. Today with an attitude of gratitude, I take you down the most memorable birthdays in my adult life.


Finally, I'm no longer a teenager! I turned 20 this year. I was still a student nurse. My boyfriend surprised me and came to visit me. My younger sister sent me a birthday gift of self-care goodies. Attached was the sweetest card. Birthday gifts are my sister's forte. That year I received gifts from a few of my senior friends. And I had cake.


When I reached a quarter-life - 25 years old. On 8 July 2012, I met the man y'all would get to know as Mr. X. It was fireworks like the 4th of July. The previous night I had a well attended '25th' birthday party, of which my best friend travelled all the way from South Africa. She gifted me with the notebook I penned down most of my poetry pieces. I had chocolate cake and lots of wine bottles.


This was a super weird birthday for me. I was working at my uncle's internet cafe. A friend of mine dropped off from a bus from South Africa and came straight to spend the day with me.  A colleague and a friend,  bought me assorted flavors of cake slices and doughnuts. Bless her! She satisfied my sweet tooth. Several clients bought me food - lots of food. Turning 28 never felt so good.


This was the coldest of birthdays. I was working and enjoying the serene environment. My cousins and sisters kidnapped me from work. They took me out for a lovely lunch at a restaurant. By now we see that food is everything to me, I just have a fast metabolism. Later that night my younger sister and her friends took me out for drinks. Woke up with a hangover the next day. That's a wrap for my 20s!


Bonang Matheba had the 30th birthday of a lifetime. I was envious, but she's rich and famous, so I stay in my lane. My best friend booked me a return ticket to Pretoria. My birthday weekend with my bestie. My best friend is an interesting personality. She is the silent grenade catcher. We shopped, ate, and drove around. The parents even got me cake although I didn't get to have it.

For me, each year has to be an experience that reminds me I'm alive! Maybe next year will be different. In the meantime, I am taking a step back. I am focusing on the work that I have at hand. I see that needs to be fulfilled.  This vision is my purpose - to root for the underdog. I am the Samuel to a David - sent to bring out whom God has chosen.

I have realized that my being on this earth isn't about one day. It's more than just a day. My purpose is an everyday experience of whether I am celebrated. There might never be cake, or flowers, or bottles of wine. A party or getaway might not even be in the cards. But the work never stops! The days go on until we reach day 365/6. And then there is a new year.

But thank you all for your wishes and messages. Thank you, Facebook for ensuring that my born day is a notification. My wall will probably have some inscriptions by the end of the day.

I am grateful for what drives me. My drive is the vision! Until my last breath, I will work towards telling stories and leaving legacies of those narratives.

With my wine glass, a toast to being a visionary!

Joyeux anniversaire Lady E!

P.S. Always write your own love story!


Lady E


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