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How I Met Your Father

Always write your own love story...

Black couple lying down

So here I am painting my story on a canvas.

Today I decided to do something slightly different. While I binge-watched the entire first season of "How I Met Your Father," something dawned on me. As a fan of the original "How I Met Your Mother," I was curious if the spin-off would match up.

The series stars Hilary Duff, Christopher Lowell, Francia Raisa, Suraj Sharma, Tom Ainsley, Tien Tran, and Kim Cattrall. Cattrall plays the 2050 version of the protagonist and narrator, Sophie. She recounts to her unseen son the events that followed meeting his father in January 2022 and how they ultimately had him. Fans are shown Sophie, played by Hillary Duff, and her group of friends in New York City's Manhattan. The 10-episode series shows how these 20- and 30-somethings maneuver through their disastrous dating lives, assumedly post-pandemic.

Here I am, using my imagination to create universe versions of "how I met your father." Like Kim Cattrall, I'm speaking to my child about my love story. I'm an expert polyglot by then, and I speak in the languages that best interpret and articulate my thoughts. Or probably it's a video, or, like me, a letter. So I would say, "Hija mía, pensé en contarte una historia de amor. Mi amor a tu padre. Escucha cómo comenzó nuestro amor. El día y la hora en que conocí a mi amante.

I never thought I'd be telling this story to you, but here I am."

Scenario one

How I Met Your Father - The Beginning

Imagine that it took us almost three decades to finally date. Between his infectious smile and alluring eyes, I always knew that there was something special about your father. I would consider him my first love, although we were classmates.
We didn't have an exciting start like most couples — we were just friends, and it took over 20 years for us to be reacquainted and start dating. However, time and distance didn't change how I felt about him. It's incredible how he became fine like wine. I mean your dad was handsome in high school, but in adulthood he was an adonis. 
There's a saying that it takes only one day to change the rest of your life. He complimented my smile; I complimented his eyes. There were fireworks when the two met, just like at a New Year's Eve party. And we have been celebrating a new year together for the last 20 years. How's that for the next high school reunion?

Scenario two

How I Met Your Father - The Connection

They say to never judge a book by its cover. With your father, I judged him at first. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that your father would be my "happily ever after." He wasn't my 'type' of guy, but he was a nice guy who surprised me one day. It took just one touch from him to change my perception of him. He was rather shy, and I was aggressive. It all seemed like a disaster, and that frustrated me greatly.

But then he and I shared a conversation over coffee, then brunch, and eventually several dates. It all came together in the end, seven years later. I became his wife, and he became the love of my life.

Scenario three

How I Met Your Father - The Second Chance

Apart from your father, my greatest love is music. I guess that's been our great connection. I fell in love with him because of his songs. And I remember that the first time that I met him, I knew that he was "the one." But fate had other plans.
You see, I was attracted to him, but he wasn't interested in me. My heart was broken, and I always felt that he was the one that got away. Time and distance made me somewhat forget, but at the back of my mind, I always wondered.
It took a whole decade for him and I to reunite. Initially, he and I weren't on the same page, but due to time and distance, we grew up and healed. When he reached out to me, it was like writing a new page in our love story. He and I were finally on the same page.
Knowing that being patient is really key and that things will fall into place when they're meant to Our love story is not perfect, but it's ours.

Scenario four

How I Met Your Father - Best Friends

I don't know where to begin. I loved him deeply, but I didn't know that until much later. He was a friend of mine; ah ha, yes, you read that right. Everyone has that one friend who is always around and with whom they feel safe. That was him for me; he was my comfort, my security blanket.
He wasn't like the other guys I dated; he was a good guy from a good family. It's just that I treated him like a brother, teasing him and confiding in him about my darkest secrets. But, timing is everything. That one kiss changed everything. It confused a lot at the beginning, but he and I realised that we needed each other.
Remember the saying that your best friends make the best lovers? Well, that sums up our relationship perfectly.
Scenario five

How I Met Your Father - The Future

We seemed to cross paths, but we never got to that great icebreaker. We finally met through a mutual friend. It was love at first sight. Our eyes locked, and I knew that it was more than a crush; he was the one.
It all happened on a whim. But it was like walking from a dream into reality.
This love story is beautiful.


I have loved five men who played different roles in my life, but one will forever be my last. I know this because he's the father of my children.
Your father came into my life when I least expected him. He spotted me in a crowded room. He walked my way and told me that I was beautiful. I took his compliment with grace, but I didn't pay him much mind. I will admit that the next time that I met him, I couldn't help but notice.
His smile. His eyes. His personality. His intellect. His spirituality.
Our love story was a slow burn. Our friendship began with consistent communication. I loved how I learnt to let go of my inhibitions. With him, I could relax, enjoy his company, and be the best version of myself. What happened next was the handwriting of the author and finisher of life. From our first date to when we visited his hometown, and then when he asked me to marry him, it was an automatic "Yes."

When I met your father, it wasn't love at first sight, but he was a good man who grew on me. He became my crush, my friend, my lover, and finally, my forever. Our love story has been more than I can imagine. It is not easy to fall in love with someone you don't know much about. Especially if they aren't what you expected. Time and patience are required, as well as taking the first step to getting to know someone better.

Mi niño. Sepa que las mejores historias de amor no siempre siguen ciertos patrones, simplemente suceden.

This is a story about how I met your father.

P.S.: Always write your own love story!


Lady E


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