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Book Review: The Kings that Didn’t Need This Queen

Until you resolve your brokeness, you will continue to be broken.

I am pretty stoked about sharing this month's read. As a writer, reading various forms of literature enriches the craft. Reading builds culture and reinforces application of lessons learnt. I also read books and blogs by fellow writers to support their work through commenting, and sharing. This is how we grow communities you see.

Prior to offering a review of this month's book, I would like to share a brief history of the writer. I met this young woman, Nobuhle Nyoni at a birthday, and album listening party for producer and artist, Verseless. She was friendly and bubbly, we even shared a ride into town as we went home. That wouldn't be the last time that I would be in communication with her.

Through the magazine that I am editor for, we made effort to push her event. Though I didn't manage to attend the event, I saw the potential of this young woman. In 2017, under the collective called Veryus, Nobuhle would take me by surprise as a singer. I was blown away when I heard her on the motivational single, 'Ngizophakhama' (I will rise). This was the introduction to an artist called uBu (You be you), a moniker she uses for her personal blog.

Months ago she sent me a message with regards to her debut book. I asked her to send it through. I will share further in the next coming days what I did with this read on a larger scale. For now, I review this book within my personal space. Titled, 'The Kings that Didn’t Need This Queen', Nobuhle is the protagonist of this book.

She takes readers through her different relationship experiences. She is the 'queen' who met ten 'kings' at different stages of her life. She chronicles the timeline of each relationship from the start until the break up. She ends each chapter with what she calls 'coins', which are lessons that the reader can take away.

"They did not need me because I was stuck in a zone where I was hoping to make a replica of what I had lost."

Nobuhle reflects upon the root causes of the disintegration of each relationship. It all started when she broke her first love's heart. He was the 'High school king'. As she digs further, she discovers that the need for male approval began with the father figure in her life. With each relationship she seeks validation and security. She pressures herself to suit her suitors whilst losing herself in them. At the end of the book, she realises all her mistakes.

This book is relatable to the millenial woman. She uses simple language with pop culture references that speak to Gen Y and Z. In an age where self love is now a priority, the writer offers an introspective view of relationships. She is focusing more on young women to find themselves before desiring to finding a partner. She is encouraging fathers and father figures to set a standard for female children to look up to. It is a father's responsibility to show his daughters what true love looks like. He needs to teach them self worth so that they can stand up for themselves when they are not treated well.

'The Kings that Didn’t Need This Queen' is linked to a series on Nobuhle's blog, uBu. Titled, 'Until It Happens to You', the writer goes into detail of the challenges and traumas of one of her relationships. 

As taken from her book, Nobuhle is a Zimbabwean writer who grew up in many parts of Zimbabwe. The Kings that didn't need this Queen is her first book to be published. She has sharpened her writing skills over the years through her blog titled YouBeYou, where she touches on life experiences, sex, sexuality and relationships.

You may find her work on her website uBu.

You might want to get yourself a copy of 'The Kings that Didn’t Need This Queen'.

Catch you on the next read...

P.S. Always write your own love story!


Lady E


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