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Self Care:10 Ways to Be Good to Yourself

Taking care of oneself shouldn't be a hash tag or social media trend. Self care is a key component of self love which is an actual journey.

Self care isn't achieved overnight but with time and patience, one can reach the point of bliss. We all need peace of mind, good health and productivity. Yet most of us find very little time for 'self.' We are either coerced into guilt by equating 'self-care' to selfishness, or that it's counterproductive.

In an article by Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser on the global mental health, it was estimated that 970 million people worldwide had a mental or substance use disorder in 2017. Of that population, 3.4% suffered from depression while 3.8% had anxiety disorders. 107 million people were reported to have alcohol use disorders.

We are living in a stressed world and few know the right coping mechanisms. We are mostly triggered by the economy, politics, work, finances and relationships. Apart from mental health disorders many of us fall into bad health. Obesity, diabetes and heart diseases are some of the major causes of death in most people. These have become prevalent in millenials who according to statistics, are the most stressed generation.

So why is self care a 'thing' with millennials and Gen 'X'? We are realising that we need to love ourselves more than ever. Self care is the intentional habit of doing things that make one feel good. Self care is holistic as it focuses on body, mind and spirit. According to Apple's best of 2018 list, self-care was the app trend of the year.

Influencers and celebrities are shifting their content to wellness. It's no longer about going to the gym or showing off abs. It's about taking a social media hiatus. Going on a holiday to eat, pray, love. We now see photos of bubble baths, books and people meditating on Instagram.

But self care isn't about putting on a show. We are entire human beings meant to live on earth a full life, of purpose. Over a phone conversation, my older sister and I were sharing our own journey to self care. Admitting that we could do so much better, we subtly posed a challenge - love yourself...more!

I have been on my path of healing since 2015. My younger sibling jokingly calls me, 'Zen E'. I have been honest that of late, my chakras aren't aligned. I haven't had that feng shui in my vibe. But I am working on it. The blog is one of the spaces for creating healing and self care.

Healing is a process, self love is a journey and peace of mind is intentional. Here are the 10 ways to be good to yourself.


1. Feed your temple

The body is a temple and that should remind you to keep it sacred. Too often, we allow toxins into our bodies through bad eating habits. Everything is good in small portions. Eat a well balanced diet that means ditch fad diets. Our teachers weren't stupid when they taught us the food groups. Have your carbs in the right portions. Add proteins, vitamins, fats, oils and H20 to the meal. Don't starve yourself but when necessary take on that intermittent fast.

2. Exercise

I'm not a gym bunny. I will never lie about wearing spandex and sneakers to lift weights or whatever y'all do in gyms. I got the genetic lottery - I'm tiny. I can eat anything and everything and gain slight weight. However, I don't take good health for granted. My forms of exercise include housework, dancing and walking. There are so many ways to get your cardio.  Make sure that it's something that you enjoy, sex (as long as it's consensual) included. 

3. Hydrate

Summer or winter, water is the source of all life. It's key to stay hydrated to keep your skin supple, blood pumping, kidneys functions and eyes wet. Water also curbs hunger, especially the one that makes you snack or binge.

4. Sleep

You owe your body as much rest as possible. Have a routine before you go to bed that helps you rest first. Once you are relaxed, you will find that you will experience true beauty sleep. Napping during the day for 15 to 20 minutes can help boost up your energy. On your off days, wake up at your usual time i.e. you wake up at 4.30 a.m. Go about your usual activities and then give yourself time to sleep in. The idea is to rest your body without interrupting your cycle.


5. Unwind

Make time for that bubble bath and indulge. Soak yourself in a warm bath. Alternatively, taking a long warm shower. You want to absorb the water and release any tension from the day or week. Add some calm sounds or music and you are in a world of your own.

6. Unplug

Switch your computer off, your mobile phone off and focus on you. Work, the internet and even phone calls can distract you. Watch your favourite movie or TV show. Take on a hobby like knitting, or gardening. Read a book or two. Even better, why not write in your (physical) journal. Whatever you do to love you, must not require recharging.

7. Moi 

I love a glass of red wine, while cuddled up in my blankets. Add a slice of chocolate cake, I'm in heaven. Have that one thing that you would usually deprive yourself off for that one day. It's your 'me time' or 'me day'. This is when you are on your 'me, myself and I'. Without judgement or prejudice, you are doing you, by yourself. No need for company.


8. Block negativity

Steer clear of negative energy. Stay away from people who often complain, gossip, or are highly critical. You would rather be zen by yourself, telling yourself how smart, talented and cool you are. And never feel guilty for not having relationships with certain individuals. Nobody, that includes friends, or family is entitled to a relationship with you without putting in effort. You are allowed to block out people who expect from you but never feed positivity into your life.

9. Prayer and meditation

Most of us believe in the higher power. We need to channel our energy vertically and be one with the universe. I use the book of Psalms from the Bible to meditate and pray. Simple words written by a sheperd boy who killed a giant. That's all I need! Meditation requires discipline and devotion. It's about forgetting about yourself, and your problems and  a more spiritual outlook. Don't ignore your inner spirit being. Your entire well being depends on it.

10. Affirmation

Speak to yourself positively. Compliment yourself. Be your own hype man. I watch goal cast videos on YouTube. I listen to inspirational music early in the morning as I get ready for the day. I then hype myself up with old Kanye (Can't Tell Me Nothing is my jam). Follow individuals who post positive quotes and repeat them to yourself.

'I deserve better!'

P.S. Always write your own love story!


Lady E


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