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Script My Life: Jane, Jane, Carrie!

Some stories are best watched as they play out...

Ever watched a movie or TV series and relate to a character? How many parts of the plot line would you have loved to be part of your life? Filmmakers have managed to tap into our subconscious to draw emotions towards their films. There are certain characters that have become memorable with fans. We often quote them, use film analogies to explain real life and even play out the plot ourselves.

Relating film to real life has become a common feature on this blog. We called it Script My Life, of which many of you are a fan of. To date the most viewed posts are the 'SML' for 'Madea's Family Reunion' and 'Why Did I Get Married?'. All I can say is thank you.

We continue to bridge screenplays to our real lives today. Television series often bring various storylines in different genres. When I was young, I had an obsession with medical/hospital drama. Teen dramas became my thing during my early 20s. Remember 'Gossip Girl'? And then I met Jack Bauer in 24, my taste completely changed. Political dramas and crime series are my thing now.

Every now and then there's that girly series that I love. The female protagonists draw me into their lives. Each with their flaws projects certain traits about myself. They have those moments when I completely see myself. These female protagonists are writers. Each one is part of a different plot but their goal is to be best writer ever.

Meet Jane from Jane the Virgin. Jane from The Bold Type. And Carrie from Sex and the City. Oh, yes these are white female characters. I am known to be pro black, even so, pro African. Let's laugh, I'm a coconut! My taste in visual consumption rarely has anything to do with my wokeness. If something is good, it's good, especially if I like it. So let's go!

These three protagonists are somewhat reflections of Lady E. They have little habits that are so me it's frightening. But the common ground with all three is storytelling. How do these scripts fit into my life? Let's find out

Jane Gloriana Villenueva

Played by Gina Rodriguez, Jane Gloriana Villenueva, is a 30 year old, published author. Jane is the protagonist of Jane the Virgin, a telenovela styled comedy series. Jane was accidentally artificially inseminated with hotel heir, Rafael Solano's sperm. Fast forward, Jane and Rafael co-parent Mateo. Jane's life is dramatic in every single way - more than she imagined. Jane is a by the book type of girl. Some of her ideals were projected onto her by her strict Catholic abuela (grandmother), Alba. Jane was going to finish school, work whilst working on her novel. She would remain a virgin until she married her great fiancé, Michael Cordero. But that script has flipped several times over the years. We have watched Jane step out of her only black and white ideals to reading in between the lines. She is slowly unlearning her nosy, judge and at times pencil necked behaviour. Oh , yes, Jane can be very annoying. But she is a passionate writer. She writes from her heart. Some of her experiences are a glimpse of what I go through as a writer. She might not always get it right but she's a student of life.

Jane Sloan

My dream of working for a prestigious magazine has never been a secret. The idea of trying to beat deadlines, liaising with different departments, meeting fabulous people and publishing stories is everything. Here comes Jane Sloan. She is a young woman, in her mid twenties who's navigating the New York landscape with her two best friends, Stutton and Kat. Three seasons in, Jane Sloan subtly shadows Scarlet magazine editor-in-chief, Jacqueline Carlyl. (That woman is awesome, wardrobe and all). Jane has been trying to find her voice as a writer. Jacquiline often throws her into the deep end with uncomfortable subjects. Ironically,t those topics bring out great reads from Jane. Yet , Jane wants to be a 'serious' writer. She wants those investigation journalism pieces, exposé and political articles. Boss Jacquie, wants Jane to be the best writer that she is, not the one the one that she thinks that she should be. That was a mouthful! Jane is a by the book girl, who is a feminist. I am Jane Sloan. We both lost our mothers at a very young age. We were raised by male figures. We strongly believe in female empowerment. We want to write impactful stories. I would so love to have her two quirky best friends and fabulous wardrobe! After going through some depression about my own writing, Jacqueline's words to Jane comforted me. I need a Jacqueline in my life. Jane and I need to get out of our heads of the ideal writer. Instead, we need to use our drive, and personal stories to create the bigger picture. Did I mention that Jane actually won an award for her #MeToo inspired article, 'Carrying the Weight'? That's impact!

Carrie Bradshaw

Oh Carrie Bradshaw, the love of my life! The character that inspired the blogger in me. Of the three female writer protagonists, she's the fun one! Played by Sarah Jessica Parker, Carrie Bradshaw is the lead in the hit Sex and the City. Based in New York, Carrie is an often selfish, self-centered and dramatic character. She has a strobe light relationship with the emotionally unavailable Mr. Big. Yet in her 30s, Carrie's character shows us that there's no expiry date on getting it together. Carrie is somewhat balanced out by her three best friends Miranda (feminist), Charlotte  (the bourgie one) and Samantha (the freak). Sex, friendships, love and careers are the topics of Carrie Bradshaw's column. Carrie is personal in her column which I guess makes her appealing to a lot of us SATC fans. Not my taste, but Carrie's wardrobe is very interesting. What always baffled me is how could Carrie afford to shop on a columnist paycheck? Like she's always shopping. My Point of View (MPV) was inspired by Carrie Bradshaw. It's been my own column on the blogging sphere!

P.S. Always write your own love story!


Lady E


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