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Single Ladies: Choc or Vanilla

All that talk about brown sugar yesterday,suddenly gave me a toothache, (Yeah, Dre, I heard you loud and clear!).

Anyway,still on that subject of sweet things, ladies, chocolate, mocha or vanilla?

As we pursue our quest for Mr Put-A-Ring-On-It,I am placing another option for us, getting a man outside our own race. (If you are cocoa you go for latte and vice versa).

Bachelor number 3: The Foreigner.

On set of a production that I am working on, one of the ladies, (mixed race), was telling me how she has never dated a black man. It actually got me thinking, maybe I too, should fish in foreign waters. Why not, I have always been considered a coconut.

My sisters have been telling me (for the longest time), that maybe I should get me a white man, or of the Caucasian persuasion because I think that I have failed with black 'men', and maybe I should *thinking*. I love my chocolate, but I do love the scent of vanilla.

What are the advantages of dating outside one's race? First of all, diversity and adventure. You venture into a world outside your own. (So chances of boredom are quite slim). If they speak anything other than English, then you can learn a new language. Je t'aime; te quiero; me amore. It sounds hot doesn't it?. And imagine the lovely babies you might have if you marry. (Imagining a beautiful, little 'mulatto' 'bambino' running around the villa).

And yes, you can also avoid those sometimes oppressive traditional practises expected of a daughter-in-law, (just saying). No paranoid fear of African science experiments on you. No extended-extended families. No need to dress conservatively in front of in-laws, (even if they insult you, he will defend you). Gushing. Perfect!

But then again, there are some things to also consider about this exploration. Maybe I am the only one, but have you noticed that some caucasians who have a thing for Africans, somewhat stereotype or fetishize people of colour. They have a thing for dreadlocked, ebony sistas who play traditional instruments, or dress 'ethnically.' So what are my chances of getting me milk chocolate, if I have my long Brazilian hair, or Dereon jeans?(I am actually serious about this).

The same cultural diversity that can be so exciting, can also be very challenging. He might like you, but what about his family?I have a few friends who have found interracial marriage to be something else, (One can only tolerate those 'kinky hair' jokes or those 'you people' comments to a certain extent). Consider religion too,especially if you go mocha, or look east. Consider the sacrifice of converting, that is if you are not really, deeply rooted in your own faith. His language might be sexy, but if he does not 'parle' a bit of the universal language, or at least 'comprende',then language 'barrier', will be a real barrier. There is also migration, the fact that the world still does not approve of interracial relationships amongst other things.

I am not being prejudicial, nor am I trying to scare you single ladies, but we have to be fully equipped like warriors. As I always say, relationships are for those willing to fight, not cowards. But yes, let us venture into this interesting zone. (Imagine being wooed by Enrique Iglesias, or Hrithik Roshan, or Dingdong Dante, or even one of those cuties from the famous 'F4', from the Korean hit series,'Boys over Flowers') *sigh, daydreaming*

Now where's that application form, I need to do some serious travelling, (anyone who would like to join me?). So ladies, again, chocolate or vanilla, or maybe some mocha? 
As for me, I think top deck would be just fine.

*Beyonce wave,put a ring on it*Single ladies,until we meet again....

P.S: Always write your own love story.


Lady E

Copyright [c] MPV by Lady E All Rights Reserved 2013


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