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The Promise: When I Say I Do!

When I say, "I do", it is a commitment for a lifetime!

Life's short. Less than a yardstick short. Biblically, mankind was granted 120 years on this earth. On average today, mankind has approximately 70 years to live, that is 25,567.5 days.

You must be wondering where I am going with this. Does, "I take thee,so and so,to be my lawful, wedded, something,...." sound familiar? Of course, these words are part of the traditional wedding vows.

Gosh! Gushing Don't we all just love weddings, where there is the blushing groom,who cant wait to get out of his tuxedo (pretty much because it's uncomfy), and the starry-eyed bride,who wishes the moment would last forever.

Forever! A favourite word of many.Imagine the number of songs titled or that include the word 'forever'. I have not heard in a while, one of my favourite songs, 'Forevermore' by Puff Johnson. Oh, I also love hearing that promise of 'forever' by the Okoye twins, 'If you were my girl,.....I promise to love you forever...'Forever!

So, so far the word vow,promise and forever have been used several times.Let us see,a vow is a solemn promise or declaration of intention.Promise is the synonym to vow,but it means,a statement which one wishes to be believed of what one will do.Or a sign of future success or good results.And as for forever,for eternity(err,in this lifetime).

So basically when two people,a couple,are exchanging vows they are saying,'I promise to love you,stay by your side,....for all future time.'So calculating with the number of days one has to live,how long is forever?

Not to sound sceptical,but the idea of 'forever' to me is more like an illusion during a Cirque du Soleil magic act,unreal.As I said,we have very few days to breathe this planet's air,so when one declares an intention of eternity,are they including the afterlife too?

After meeting a few,dddd...divorced men,who claim that the causative organism of their failed marriages, was mainly due to broken promises.What was vowed,when they said 'I do',and the outcome,very paradoxical.

'Promises,so full of them,yet they disappear like water vapour.'-Eloya Somaine

I guess it is the excitement or pressure of the idea of marriage that pushes many to make 'promises',which later are more broken,than any injured bones.So why say 'I do',when in reality it is,'Well,maybe,I don't',or 'I think I do'.

I know,it is pretty cool to get all Jagged Edge,but maybe it is high time,people considered the  time factor when it comes to the 'I do'.Why I say this?Because,for those who are married,they take it for granted,and the singles hoping to get married,are disillusioned.

A couple who decides to embark on the journey of marital union should realise that they actually have only 1 200 days together.(after subtracting the time spent apart including working hours,travelling,and even,death).No time,sounds like a contract,hey?

And most times,people waste those very few days arguing about pety issues,spending more time apart than together,always making their relationships a national agenda (three's a crowd,always.Mind your own business).No wonder some of y'all divorce.

Ladies,there is no forever,so instead of going all 'zombie' on your man,chasing fairytales,listening to 'gossip girl',make it a priority to love your man with every millisecond you have.Appreciate him,treat him like a King,learn the art of 'communication' and just be yourself without expectations.And of course,ensure that he is satisfied in the B.E.D.R.O.O.M,(Thou shall not withold thy cookie factory and cookies).So those headaches,or making him sleep on the couch,*shaking my head*,hell no!Besides,you also get satisfied,silly!(NB:Learn from Asian women,no pun intended).Remember,the clock is ticking.

Gentlemen,it is the little things that count.Because you are 'visual' creatures,positively compliment her on her new hairdo,or what she's wearing.Be the handyman around the house,(something as little as changing a lightbulb will make you a superhero).Yes,as complicated as it seems,be shrewd and tactful on how to 'communicate' with your lady without seeming insensitive (as unmanly as it sounds,search for the inner 'pink' in you).Yes,guys when you say 'I do',you officially starr in your own version of 'Out of Time'.

Time,time,time.1 200 days,remember that.Yes,I'm still single but with hopes of settling down,but I refuse to pressure myself or allow myself to be pressured into marriage,because I do not want to get into it with someone whom I might,just 'waste' my time with.Time is precious.

When I do say 'I do',I will just be saying,I am setting my stop watch,so each second,for every word I hope I do not regret,for every effort you make,I appreciate,I seek to serve you like a King,be supportive and allow growth,understanding that we are constantly evolving.

'I can never make a promise that I can't keep.'-Dru Hill,so when I say 'I do',it is an action,I do!

P.S: Always write your own love story.


Lady E

Copyright [c] MPV by Lady E All Rights Reserved 2013


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