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Let's Just Get That Clear

Let's Just Get That Clear.

I have popped some popcorn for all of you because today's MPV might be quite entertaining.Pulpits are not only found in church,but the world is a pulpit.Wherever there is a platform or forum to speak and there is an audience,that is a pulpit.

And my God,there are some people who are preaching some 'interesting' gospels on their pulpits.How can one host a show about love,yet they are so cynical about it?A friend of mine commented that the Grinch who stole Christmas is much better,this individual is really mad,(bitter to be precise.)And all I could visualise was Stinkmeaner talking on the radio,(poor listeners.)

Yes,everybody has loved and lost,been hurt,but the whole purpose of life is love.The foundation of the earth is based on love,because the Creator of the Universe is love.Since we are entering the Easter Holiday,I pray for this individual to find the message of hope and love,(they need Jesus and to be soaked in His blood,to remove all that scepticism.)Because the reason why Easter is a public holiday,and some of y'all go off work,is because of a sacrificial,what's the word?Oh yes,LOVE,that God had for humankind,and allowing His only,'sinless',Son to die for mere,'wicked',mortals.That is the greatest love story ever told,(for over 2000 years).

I do agree that love should not be idealised by fairytales and movies,but there should be a realistic approach,however people should never give up on finding love,loving and being loved.It is also a part of the equation of happiness.

Everybody deserves a second chance,and more chances.It is called FORGIVENESS.If an individual ,or two people still want to give their relationship another try,they should.Life is too short not to try.Do not preach a '3 strikes you are out' gospel to people(I know a very good therapist,or counselor,or Rabbi,or better yet,exorcist who can help deal with all that negativity.)

Okay so,happiness.The pursuit of happiness.A good gospel,if you buy into it,and for as long as that happiness does not involve selfishness.But what is happiness?It is a feeling of satisfaction or elation due to positivity in one's life.And what makes people happy?I made an equation for happiness.Happiness=Money+Power/Fame+Success+Sex+Love/Relationship+Entertainment/Leisure+Good health+Being Attractive+Friends+Offspring+Possesions.So basically happiness depends on external influences.You still want to pursue happiness?Imagine a starving child in Sub-Saharan Africa,a woman being raped in war-torn central Africa,people who watched the events of 911 unfold,and lost loved ones in the process,or mothers having deformed babies born in nucleated Hiroshima.Are you going to tell them,be happy!Pursue happiness!*raised eyebrow*

It is good to be happy,everyone should be happy everyday,but what if all the elements that make up happiness are non-existant,or are taken away,does that mean one has stopped living?Being a person of faith,I believe that people should have,(no need to pursue),joy.The King James version of the Bible has no mention of 'happiness',but the word 'joy',which appears more than 300 times,including the word 'rejoice'.

Joy has the same meaning as happiness however,it is not influenced by external factors.Joy is the 'it's okay' motto of life,no matter what life throws at us.'It's okay' that I'm broke;my child died;I've got cancer;there is war in my homeland;I'm single;I'm not goodlooking;I'm disabled,it's okay.Joy says,it is difficult,but I have hope.It might not be today,or tomorrow,but it is well.It gives certain levels of contentment.

On a balance scale,joy outweighs happiness.But a philosopher will always be a philosopher.The pursuit of happiness-philosophy.But this whole discussion goes back to one's fear of being 'vulnerable'.Only the brave truly live,because cowards are afraid of trying,that is why they are philosophical.

There is a law of attraction,you attract the energies you give out.So if you are a Scrooge,well.*shaking my head*

The people who really have joy are the people who live outside themselves.Historically,Joan of Arc,Mahatma Gandhi,Martin Luther King Jnr.,Nelson Mandela,Mother Theresa and of course,Jesus Christ.They all lived for causes that affected 'their' people,for the 'love' of the people,(other people).Life is not a me-factor.

Anyway,at the end of the day,I guess an individual is entitled to their own opinion.What one discusses on their pulpit,reveals their argu-mentality,(one's thoughts).I use my pulpit,my MPV to preach,teach and share the gospel of self-examination which leads to reformation,I encourage empowerment and always inspire hope.

Now you can put the popcorn away.I am not attacking anyone,this is just my point of view.*smile*

Eldom:Use your pulpit as an opportunity to fight for a cause and use it wisely.

'Live to inspire and let God take you higher'.

P.S: Always write your own love story.


Lady E

Copyright [c] MPV by Lady E All Rights Reserved 2013


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