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Sunday Service: Here's My Heart, But Don't Break It

Love is more of a choice than a feeling...

Affectionate hands

... It is a choice that takes courage no matter the circumstance.

The biggest challenge between a man and a woman is never the 'chase' because a man could chase a woman, (or women), who just enjoy(s) the thrill of being chased after being pursued but not really having intentions of getting caught. (a.k.a playing hard to get).

The challenge is keeping the woman or the man. When someone lays their heart out on the table for the next person to see; it's up to the next person to decide what they will do with that heart. Do they take it and work to keep it? Or do they throw it back in the owner's face break it, tear it up or trample on it?

The heart is the most fragile, messiest, and even deceptive part of a human being. 'The heart is more deceitful than all else. And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?'-Jeremiah 17:9. So why put your heart out? So that at its worst the next person can see you and make their decision. Why would an individual show you in particular, their 'heart', their vulnerability? 

The heart is more deceitful than all else.And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?'-Jeremiah 17:9.

For various reasons. But the most important reason is the need to give. And honestly, it is a human condition to expect reciprocation of what one gives, but in 'genuine love's' perception, showing the next person how much you love them and will give to them is of much greater value than receiving. Why then do we get so hurt? Because as we have laid out our hearts unmasked, messy, vulnerable, the next person does not take, or even attempt to keep what you give them. Does it mean that you should stop putting your heart out? No.

Christ loved the world, yet the world rejected Him. Even on the cross, He gave his heart out. He still puts himself out to the world on this very day and age. So we too, no matter how beaten down, trampled or torn we ought to do the same. That is why forgiveness is important. Forgive them for rejecting you and forgive yourself for making a misjudged decision. Putting yourself out is a decision. You choose the person you give your heart to, sometimes our choices may not be right, but that should not stop us from 'choosing'.

Choose to give, live, love, forgive, and heal. And love after healing. #TheHealingProcess

P.S.: Always write your own love story! 


Lady E


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