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Be the person whom you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Porque eres el único cuerpo con el que estás atrapado para siempre! With that said, it's good to have our feet back on solid ground. I can't wait for the next trip! Now ladies, we are dressing up for not just one, but several dates. Through our journey to becoming, we are all about self-introspection and self-love. We are going on a solo date where we assess if we enjoy our own company, embrace our flaws, and seek to be better versions of ourselves. 

Single ladies, bring your A-game with the wardrobe, face, body and most importantly, personality because we are putting our best foot forward. Put on your favourite outfit because we're going on a couple of dates with ourselves! Gentlemen, y'all invited to observe. A nous allez! 

Date #1: Restaurant 

I'm wearing a midi, nude pink, chiffon dress. I'm pairing the outfit with gold jewellery, and rose gold heels. I made a reservation at my favourite Portuguese restaurant. I am taking a cab parce que, I've terrible night vision- I can't really drive without guidance. 

I arrive at the restaurant where I'm led to my table by the waiter. I order a glass of Sauvignon Blanc that will accompany my chicken dish. I take time to enjoy my glass of wine, and of course my meal, ensuring that I put my phone down. The mellow music helps me navigate with my eyes and ears, the activity within the restaurant. I'm very observant of my surroundings. At the end of my evening, I call for the bill, pay my tip, and head out for home. On my way out, I say goodbye to the wait staff, thanking them for a wonderful evening. 

The test: Etiquette 

Let's observe how we treat the wait staff. Do we show gratitude and appreciation for their service, or do we belittle them? Remember, a good woman is not only kind to her peers but also to those who serve her. And don't be a cheap tipper. 

Date #2: Museum 

I'm dressing smart casual today. A red blazer, white graphic t-shirt, slightly above the knee plaid skirt, and a pair of moccasins. Let's take a trip to the museum and art gallery. I am a history nerd and I love culture. At the gallery I get to see artwork by local artists. I am given the opportunity to interpret a certain painting. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. 

The test: Wisdom 

It's important to always seek knowledge because learning is a lifelong journey. Wisdom comes from researching, reading wide, exploring new things and applying objective reasoning. 

Date #3: Open Mic 

You didn't see that one coming! Let's challenge ourselves to put ourselves out there. Now I'm familiar with the stage as a spoken word artist. But on this occasion, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. I'm going to sing. I'm wearing a beige sleeveless silk blouse, cream waterfall, a pair of well fitting blue jeans, and black flat boots. Going for that 90s aesthetic. 

I step onto the stage, and my song of choice is "It Must Have Been Love" by Roxette. Now, I don't sing in public because ironically, I'm shy. So this is me. 

The test: Vulnerability 

Embrace vulnerability and let it empower you to be a stronger and more authentic version of yourself. A good woman is not afraid to be vulnerable and seeks to understand herself on a deeper level. 

We end at three solo dates, each testing our character and offering reflection of whom we want to be. Don't worry, we will venture on more solo dates. For now, I want us to apply the lessons from each experience. Ask yourself, what's my biggest fear or shortcoming? Of the three dates, I know that I'm afraid of vulnerability. There's a lot of healing still required in that department, but I will get there. The journey is like travelling from Cape to Cairo - we have a long way to go. But it's okay because along the way, we are offloading, collecting new things, and experiencing new places.

Research suggests that practicing self-love and cultivating emotional security are essential for personal development. As the saying goes, "The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself." By becoming the best version of ourselves, we attract people who appreciate and resonate with our positive energy. Remember, being someone whom you love being with is the first step in attracting healthy relationships. 

Let's remember the wise words of Janet Jackson's character in 'Why Did I Get Married?’—"Love God, love yourself, and love others.” This echoes the Bible verse, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, and love your neighbour as you love yourself." By nurturing our relationship with ourselves and with a higher power, we lay a strong foundation for future relationships. 

So, ladies, let's put in the work in our femininity, personality, and personal development while we wait for our future relationships. Let's approach our lives with intention, effort, and commitment. Remember, the goal is to become the best version of ourselves, not just for a potential partner, but for our own happiness and fulfilment. 

Here's to embracing our solo dates, enjoying our own company, and becoming the amazing women we are meant to be! Stay fabulous, single ladies! 

 A prochaine fois ....

... keep on BECOMING!

P.S. Always write your own love story!


Lady E


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