Mr. Right isn't perfect, but he makes the relationship worth it. Bonjour mes amies! Comment allez-vous? What's the French phrase for, "I'm decent?" You will let me know as we progress. How have been your dates? I now need deposits into my PayPal account because your girl is pre-rich ...and hungry! Laughs hard. But no cap, I am hungry. I'm wishing that someone's Italian mother, aunt or grandma would just invite me for meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner, and gelato, and say to me, " Mangia, mangia !" So, my single ladies, as we continue to do the inner work, whilst making preparations to meet the King like Esther (from the Bible), let's get into class. We want to unlearn a certain batch of bachelors. Since the inception of this series, we have weighed in the pros and cons of the different suitors-to-be. Let's recap: the widower, divorcee, single dad, younger guy, foreigner, and player. I have shared my experiences with most, if not all, the...