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Dirty Laundry Diaries: Wet my bread

Sometimes the unexpected happens with just a touch!
Couple in embrace

I never get enough of season three of ‘2 Broke Girls’ mostly because the plot line seems to focus more on my favourite character ‘Max’. I believe that Max has the most if not, the best punch lines out of the whole cast although my younger sister thinks that Earl is the funniest, oh well!

With acknowledgement and at most over emphasis on my being single, I know you guys are sick of it but this is my point of view and that’s why you read it (sic!). For the past two years I have been drowned in my work with the clear obsession to first make a lot of money so that I can improve the products and services that my team and I have worked so hard to build. Secondly I just want to change my life, I want tangible evidence of self-improvement because I am almost 30 and there’s so much I need to catch up with especially education wise. I really want to go back to school and travel more because there’s a whole world to be explored and with my child I need to show her that world. 

Yes, I am a workaholic for the right reasons however I have also deprived myself of a social life and it’s pretty evident so you can imagine how excited I was to attend a certain festival this year.
I decided to use the work experience to ‘come alive’ and just let loose because the aura around the year and the country has been a very obscure and bleak one. I met a lot of people who I usually just like their posts and statuses on social media or read their chats on Whatsapp groups and it was pretty refreshing. Overall I did enjoy the experience, the music, the vibes, the laughs and reconnecting but that’s not the little stain on my linen. (Sipping something)

So back to ‘2 Broke Girls’, I was watching the episode when Max is now at pastry school and she’s partners with Dick and the pair enjoy a good ‘bromance’ where they sexualize pretty much everything that they learn including Chef Nicolas’ words. To be honest I absolutely admired Max and Dick’s friendship, although I personally have male friends whom I have a ‘bro’ relationship with (oh yes, I can be such a guy, I forget that I ovulate); but those two are ‘AWESOME’! So, while Caroline questioned the relationship between Dick and Max, Max was very satisfied that they were ‘bros’ talking about ‘Judy with the booty” (and the girl really has a grosse derrière). This ‘bromance’ is all fun until Max felt something while Dick was wetting her bread. She then gets confused and tells Caroline of which Caroline advises Max to confront Dick and tell him how she feels. Whilst studying, Max fails to express her feelings but at the end of the episode Dick makes the move highlighting that he actually likes Max, which happens to be a mutual feeling.

The whole time that I was watching the episode I was like, Max girl, I know your predicament! I have been there maybe once or twice, actually more recently. My healing process is still in progress, so I tend to ‘fear’ liking someone. My friends always say that this is the 21st century and this isn’t high school, so I should be assertive enough to approach someone that I like and tell them that I am feelin’ them. You should see my facial expression as I type this, I get ‘mortified’. What in the hell? Who? Have you met me? Oh yes, I am confident, often opinionated and not afraid to speak my mind, but the PTSD of previous rejection won’t let me, I would rather bury my head in the sand. Besides it’s often complicated to confront feelings for a friend, although your ‘bro’ or friend is the best candidate for a mate because they know you-all of you, when you ugly cry, when you snore, when you say stupid things, or when you achieve your goals etc. 

So, the tea! I too like Max, felt a spark but it wasn’t in pastry school. There’s someone that I know and I have often teased that they are marriage material and we should just get married. Unlike Dick and Max, we are not ‘bros’ but we are amicable. Then this one day, this person just came out of nowhere, had their arms around me whilst holding my keypads as I played PS, lawd, I felt something. For almost a minute I was in a daze, what in the hell just happened? I then looked at them and I was confused. Yes, nice person, smart, building something for their future but, am I really attracted to this person? At least for all of you who were worried that I was still stuck on stupid, there is hope for me. I can actually ‘feel’, my heart’s not in an icebox and mentally I can realise qualities of a decent human being and somewhat ‘appreciate’ them.

No pun intended but my bread was wet but unlike Max, I choose not to overthink things and do not feel the need to confront ‘feelings’. I like that on my part, my healing is progressing, and I am in a certain space, a good one to add on. I do though, need to go out more to different places and meet more people, hold conversations, have more fun and who knows, pastry school might be closer than I think.

Sadly at end of season three, Max breaks up with Dick because Dick couldn’t live without his parents’ money and she didn’t want him to sacrifice his livelihood for her. Poor Max! At least she experienced something good in her life (even if it was short-lived), since she’s been plagued by the fear of not having or experiencing something good in her life.

Side note: I am watching ‘2 Broke Girls’ season five but I missed out on season four, anybody want to hook me up?

P.S.: Always write your own love story!


Lady E


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