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Greatest Love

'Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all." - Whitney Houston

That song really hits home. One of my favourite Whitney Houston songs. My father would play this song and encourage me to meditate upon the lyrics. He said to me, "When the world doesn't show you love, just remember that the greatest love is inside you." And yes, enough the times did the lyrics of the late Nippy resound in my mind.

Happy Valentines day y'all!

My timeline is painted red, and drunk in love. Congratulations to all those who got a ring-on-it on this day! Wishing you all the best on your journey down to the aisle. 

I sat with myself and said, somewhere, somehow you ought to be green with envy or feel lonely, or slightly bitter. But I'm not. Apart from a very hectic day, I had a glass of wine and I'm reading a book about 'developing your conversion capability.' And listening to Ariana Grande's 'pov'. I love this song!

There's a song that I loved from J. Lo's 'Marry Me' movie, 'Love of My Life'. Lopez's character, Kat Valdez sings, 
You know I tried so long
Every time I thought I found it, I was wrong
I swear I must have spent a thousand nights
Looking for somebody who could hold me tight
Until I realized

I am the love of the love of my life
And I just smiled to myself. Yes, I am the love of my life. I heard some profound words about starting from self when it comes to love. God is love and we are created in his image. If we say that we love God, then how can we loathe ourselves? It's taken me years to come to that place of self love. 

Now someone's rolling their eyes and thinking, single people find ways to comfort themselves by proclaiming self-love yet deep down they're so lonely.

Laughs! The vocals of the Kabusa Oriental Choir keep playing in my head. They harmoniously sing, "Lonely..." in continuity. Imagine having been single since verse 1 until verse 3. (West African accent) I will give us time to cry and ponder upon the singleness. Laughs!

On a serious note though, raise your hands if you feel lonely, not just on Valentines day, but everyday?

I stretch out my arms to give you a hug. 

To quote a quote from a previous article, "I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to better," Frida Kahlo.

I am there. A place where I’m okay to be on my own. I enjoy my own company. The only emptiness that I feel is probably hunger. (Stomach actually grumbling) But, I do hope that I don't die alone. And I'm not a cat lady... abeg!

But in the here and now, I'm appreciative of the solitude, therapy, personal development and introspect. I believe that I deserve to be loved and that I'm enough. Does it feel that way everyday? No. But the beauty of becoming is that you appreciate and applaud yourself for the effort. Besides, if you don't like yourself or your own company, who do you expect to vibe with you?

Enjoy your own vibe.

I've said it before, energy begets energy.

Someone who's on the same wavelength with you will definitely be in your sphere. And you will just think ... where have you been all my life?


The greatest love of all is to learn to be in love with yourself. To accept that you are loveable and you are loved. Love doesn't always have to be romantic but we do desire for that 'love'. 

It's definitely right in front of you.

Don't be hard on yourself, in the words of Lutricia McNeal, "Someone loves you honey."

And that someone is YOU....believe it!

I'm done with sounding like a motivational speech. Right now I'm craving spring rolls and a pina colada ....

Como los consigo en este momento?

Toast to you and the love of your life....

....the greatest love!

Today is today, but everyday is tomorrow.

Seize it. Live it. And love it!

P.S.: Always write your own love story


Lady E


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