In the cliché of life being short, confessions of attraction towards your crush hurt less... ...than keeping it inside. Hello, my single ladies! Beyoncé wave! How are you doing? It's getting nippy on this side of the hemisphere. And there I was thinking that I would stock up on my winter clothes. Oh, well! It's story time! I know we love going through each page of 'Single Ladies, the Quest for Mr. Put-a-Ring-On-it', and receiving a few pearls of wisdom. As I write every post in this series, the book's theme changes. Remember the time that we wanted so badly to become "Mrs." Now, every article is about healing, self-love, and growth. In addition, mental health is of great value, and it's our prerogative. This isn't just my journey; it's our journey. I love this space because, on this platform, y'all are my girlfriends. We hang out with our glasses of wine to chat. We can refer to pop culture and even real-life examples of our own ...
If I could afford it, I would have a therapist, but I have got my MPV...