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Auld Lang Syne ... Maybe Not All the Time

Sometimes the end is a new beginning! 

It's a new year! To be more precise, the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty-two. According to the Hebrew calendar the year is 5782. 

The crossover into 2022 was particularly dull due to the curfew. When we say that the pandemic is a buzzkill, the sentiment is real. As a staunch believer in the saying, "How you leave is how you enter," I often enjoy spending my time in church. The service prior to the countdown often invigorates my faith. Praying and seeding on the first day of the 365 or 366 is comforting.

Unfortunately, the authorities ensured that the gathering of the saints wouldn't happen on their watch. We had to sit and watch the livestream from home. As the new year came, I started to think of the song synonymous with the new year. Auld Lang Syne. Based on the 18th century Scottish song, the words read:

Should Old Acquaintance be forgot,
and never thought upon;
The flames of Love extinguished,
and fully past and gone:
Is thy sweet Heart now grown so cold,
that loving Breast of thine;

That thou canst never once reflect
On old long syne?

What's the correlation of the traditional song with this discussion? Not much. But what I did think of, is changing the notion about new year's resolutions. This year I don't have any. However, I have a resolve to evolve. Evolution is a continuum. You see this through actively working towards being the best version of yourself. And  this version happens in small, intentional steps.

Instead of resolutions, why not take on a revolution. We can't be in the same place that we were the year before - we need to be intentional about change.

Be emboldened to change even in the smallest of areas. Change means unlearning, offloading, cutting off, setting boundaries, saying 'NO' and even making difficult decisions  that won't make sense to everyone else.

What would you like to end so that you can have a NEW beginning?

May 2022/5782 bear the fruit of change for the better.

Happy New Year!

P.S.: Always write your own love story!

Lady E



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